Weekly Fav #7

Hello everyone! For today's weekly fav, I thought I'd introduce to you this 5k run I did in early September called Foam Glow. It's basically a 5k run except there are multiple foam stations and you get covered in foam 😉 The race started at 8:30pm, so it was pretty dark. It was also kind … Continue reading Weekly Fav #7

Weekly Fav #6

Hello friends! I gotta start off this blog post with an apology because I missed the Sunday (which was yesterday) that I was supposed to post my weekly fav! I guess if I were to make an excuse it would be that school just started this week and it's been a bit hectic with all … Continue reading Weekly Fav #6

Weekly Fav #4

Hello friends 🙂 I can't believe it's already been a month since I've started my weekly fav section! Today's weekly fav is more of a fashion/style based post because I'll be featuring a new pair of sneakers I got and a new shirt! Yesterday, I went shopping at Hongdae because I'm leaving Korea soon (I'm … Continue reading Weekly Fav #4