Weekly Fav #7

Hello everyone!

For today’s weekly fav, I thought I’d introduce to you this 5k run I did in early September called Foam Glow. It’s basically a 5k run except there are multiple foam stations and you get covered in foam 😉

The race started at 8:30pm, so it was pretty dark. It was also kind of cold so I wore a long sleeve shirt and wore the foam glow t-shirt that they gave us for free on top. I got there around 7pm but there were already a bunch of people there at the pre party and at registration. I didn’t have time to go to the pre party but I ended up going to the after party and believe it or not, I got covered in foam more at the after party than during the race! The only sad thing about the race was that when you’re not at the foam stations, you’re basically just running in the dark but it was still a fun experience to run a 5k covered in foam and in the dark anyways 🙂


Bye for now!
